Thursday, August 30, 2012

Random Rainy Day Thoughts

I am sitting in my office (which for anyone who knows how often I am actually in my office, that this is a miracle) doing neverending amounts of paperwork. I have a million end month reports due by the 5th of Septmeber and for some reason unknown to me, even though we live in a technoligical society, 75% of my reports have to be done by hand. It is pouring down rain so it is kind of the perfect day to do reports because I don't want to go anywhere, anyway.

Since I have been doing paperwork all day, I have been doing a lot of thinking. Some important things, but mainly just random thoughts, so I thought I'd share them with you all (plus I need a break from what I am doing):

 As most of you know, I live in a tiny mountain community. Mountains usually come with some sort of wildlife and that is true of where I live. There are deer, bears, raccoons, mountain lions, bobcats, etc. Since a lot of the mentioned animals are predators, most people have inside pets. So this leaves me with this question...Why does someone that lives behind my house have a ROOSTER? Last time I checked, most people that live in the mountains do not have farms or a need for a rooster, especially one that wakes me up at 5am! This poor little guy may soon lose it's life to an angry bear/ person.

I absolutely can not stand pregnancy pants. I know people that love them and think that they are the most comfortable thing in the world, not me. I have only ever had one pair that I actually like and of course they ripped in an inappropriate place. They never fit well, they stretch out, and they fall down. Maybe one day I will make a line of affordable, cute, well-fitting pregnancy clothes.

Look at my cute little blessings.
Naming a child would be a whole lot easier if there were not two people involved in the process. Especially if one is really stubborn. Enough said.

I recently heard that you shouldn't think about raising kids as a duty or responsibility but that you need to think of it as managing a blessing. Sometimes managing blessings can be really hard.

Sometimes certain situations can be so overwhelming and discouraging. I have been experiencing something like that lately and when it seems like it can't get worse, I end up getting more bad news. Today I had a major realization...just laugh about. So the two other times I got more bad news, I laughed. It feels a lot better.

I never liked Coca-Cola. As soon as I finished delivering Moses, they asked me what I wanted to drink and I replied, "Coke." I continued to love it for a couple months after he was born but went back to not liking it until I had Emery (and for a couple months following) and now this baby. How weird is that? Today I drank a Coke and I loved it.

I am currently taking medication for a horrible sinus infection, but am in the midst of trying to decide if the sinus infection is as bad as the side effects of the medicine. (I would share them with you but you don't want to know.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weekend Recap

So we had a great weekend off that was fun, yet interesting at the same time. We live in a small tiny mountain community. Most people use electricity to heat their houses, but up here it is propane. Since we haven't turned on our heat since March, we haven't really been watching our propane levels closely, or at all. The other night my children decided that they were going to McDonald's for dinner and even had their orders ready...I gave in. I had a long day at work, so I figure why not? (Don't judge me)  I am not a fan of McDonalds so I didn't get anything. (Mind you, our tiny mountain community is 20 minutes from anything else and we do not have a grocery store). I came home to cook a fabolous Chicken Parmesean meal for Jarrell and I. I got out all the ingredients and went to turn on the stove. All I hear is click, click, click... We ran out of propane. The people couldn't come until today. That means a lot of take out meals and no hot showers. Let me say this, after taking a couple of cold showers, I am extremely grateful for hot showers and will never take one for granted again.

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day of church and having some friends over for a microwave dinner (you have to get creative when you don't have an oven) and a movie. On Monday morning, I had a doctor's appointment. I was looking forward to this appointment because the past two weeks I've had a lot of testing done for different things like high blood pressure and a risk of gestational diabetes. Luckily, my body has seemed to figure everything out and my pregnancy appears to be back to normal.

After my appointment we headed to Disneyland. The kids were really excited and barely made it through my doctor's appointment. I can imagine when you are 2 and 3 and waiting to go to Disneyland, time goes incredibly slow. I had to mentally prepare myself to have a good attitude about Disneyland. I knew that it was going to be hot (it was 90 degrees), that it would be busier than I wanted it to be, that I would get tired from all the walking and that we were going to have to stay longer because of traffic timing. I am so happy that we went, because the kids had a blast. It is so crazy to me because we have gone so many times, but we always have a different experience. This time Moses was really into everything going on around him, and Emery met Donald Duck for the first time (who is her FAVORITE character).

The kids favorite thing at Disneyland. The show has only changed once in 2 1/2 years, but they love it the same each time.
 Meeting Jake, the Neverland Pirate.

My little Monster with the rest of the Monsters.

My favorite picture of the day. Emery was so happy and offered to share a Grahm Cracker with Donald. She kept kissing his beak over and over again.

Moses on one of the new rides at Cars Land. We were a little disappointed, because this is the only ride he was tall enough to get on. (There were lots of tears involved)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

After Summer Plans

Summer is by far Jarrell and I's busiest season at work, which makes it really hard to enjoy all the normal things that other people do in the summer. (Which is one of the reason's that I haven't blogged in FOREVER) While I love my job and the summer season, I am happy that it has slowed down signficantly. With that being said, we are trying to jam in as many summer activities as we can before it cools down and before Baby #3 comes.

Speaking of Baby #3, we still do not have a name! Jarrell and I can not agree on a name. I love the name Berkeley and he loves the name Eleanor (really?!) I also have a list of other names that I like but he doesn't like any of them. She is coming in 8 weeks, which I can't belive! I really hope that we can figure out a name for Baby Girl, I really want to start being able to call her by her name when I talk about her. This is a picture of me at 31 weeks pregnant:

So back to our post-summer agenda...Last weekend we stayed the night in Santa Monica with one of our dearest friends and took the kids to the beach in the morning. They both absolutely love the ocean, and despite the fact that we don't live far, we have maybe gone 10 times in the three years that we have lived here, how crazy is that? Here are some pictures from our time:

Next on the list is Disneyland. Our passes have been blocked out for the summer, so we haven't been in months. Earlier this morning Emery was really sad that I was going to work. I told her not to worry becasue mommy would be home Sunday and Monday. She responded by saying, "Go to Disneyland?" How can you say no to that? I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning, so we plan on going right after that. Since the last time we have gone, they opened Car's Land, which I know Moses is going to love! Outside of that, we don't actually have any plans, but I am sure we will think of plenty of things to do like another trip to the beach, a day in Big Bear, and Sea World.