Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Not so Secret, Secret

I can't believe that I haven't posted in over two weeks! I had a secret New Year's goal (which is no longer secret) to post more but I feel like there is so much going on in my life. The original reason that I started to blog though was because I don't have scrapbooks for my children and I wanted to remember specific stuff about them.


*She will be eight months old in two days
*She has two teeth (both on the bottom)
*She scoots around super fast and is basically crawling
*She claps and says mama
*Emery loves food and overall is a super content baby and loves being close to her mama


*He is such a bundle of energy and is constantly keeping us on our toes
*He has a great sense of humor and is always smiling and trying to make you laugh
*He can say Moses Peak with little coaching along with crazy other phrases that make me shake my head in amazement. I told him to do something today and he said, "No way." I have no idea where he learned that. Instead of saying yes he says, "Cha" (I think that one came from Turtle Talk with Crush)
*With help he can count to four, say the alphabet through E (he isn't fond of the letter F), knows every part of his body, and the colors red, blue, green, and yellow.

My kids bring so much joy to my life and everything that I do, I do for them. I can't even imagine my life without them and the richness that I experience by being their parent. The best days of my life are the ones spent alongside them and Jarrell. We may not have the best of everything that this life has to offer, but I wouldn't trade in anything that I have because there is no amount of money, material items, or experiences that could ever compare to the life I have with them.

Since the last couple of weeks have been really busy I thought that I would give the highlights below:

#1-I met up with a girlfriend from college and her husband at Downtown Disney. We enjoyed a nice dinner at the House of Blues and just walked around. I have actually been thinking about Jill and I's friendship a lot lately because it has taught me a huge lesson that I never want to repeat. Jill and I weren't friends in college, in fact I judged her, a lot. Through different situations (I would like to think more the work of God) we became friends through her blog and emailing back and forth. I can't believe how genuine, encouraging, and positive Jill is. I missed out on this awesome friendship earlier in life because I let my perception of her get in the way. If you want to read an inspiring blog check out Just Jill or the Being True Webazine

#2-I live in a beautiful place where I can experience the beauty of God's creation at any given moment. Sunday morning I decided to take my babies for a hike and it was so peaceful and rejuvenating. Unfortunately I forgot my camera but got some cute pictures on my phone so you'll have to check them out on Facebook.

#3-We spent a day at Disneyland together as a family and had such a fun time. Moses gets super excited to go see Mickey Mouse and each time I see how he gets more and more out of the experience.

#4-Jarrell and I cut out of work early one day and had a little date afternoon that included The Fighter (amazing acting), Qdoba, and some Fro-Yo.

#5- Jill and I found this cute little store call Little Miss Matched in Downtown Disney that sells speciality socks and other accessories. We picked up the cutest arm warmers for our daughters. This store will become a problem for me :)

#6-Last but not least I finally started my post-back-to-back-pregnancy weight-loss journey! My goal is to lose 45 pounds, which seems like a daunting task but I want to healthy and in shape. The best part of the whole thing is Jarrell did my work out with me one day and we had a blast :) I will give updates on this frequently.

I want to leave you with something to think about --> Life gets tough, overwhelming, and hard but in the midst of everything look for the beauty and remember to be thankful for all the good things in your life. What are some of those things?

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you made me cry. I love you so much! Honestly, I was a loser back then. hahaha. TOTALLY was living for me and not for Christ but I am so so so thankful that He brought us together bc you're amazing and I really cherish our friendship.

    Yay for working out together!! I dont think you need to lose 45 Ibs. but whatever your goal is, you can totally do it!!!
