Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's a.......BOY!

Well friends, I think that I finally went off the deep end. I am not sure how this happened, but it did. The other morning we went into Petco to look at fish, birds, and hamsters and left with the cutest little puppy. I mean two kids under two isn't enough, right? Surely we needed to add a three month old puppy into the mix.

I really love our precious new pup and we have been wanting a dog for a really long time. Moses absolutely adores dogs and we knew it would be really fun for him. Once we saw his face and heard his story my heart belonged to him and I knew that we had to adopt him. At a young age he had been abandoned. When the lady found him (and his five other siblings) they were dehydrated, you could see their ribs, their stomaches were bloated, and they were filthy. Since they were abandoned, we are not entirely sure what type of dog it is but the best guess is a shepherd-terrier mix. He is quite the little cuddle bug, likes to play, and is pretty mellow for a three month old puppy. We have only heard him bark twice, but figure once he gets more comfortable he will probably be more vocal. The lady had started crate training him, so he is actually pretty good with the bathroom. He only poops outside and almost always waits to pee outside too. (We have had two accidents per day). He sleeps in his crate through the night and wakes up about the same time as the kids. Meet Hurley, the newest member of our family.

1 comment:

  1. i love him! at first when I read the title I was like.... oh josie oh my.... this is fun!
