Saturday, November 27, 2010

"I Pooped"

A week ago Moses woke up crying after his nap, which is perfectly normal. As I got closer to the door I realized something wasn't right. All I could hear was,"Pooped! Pooped!" I opened the door to see Moses with his diaper off and his pajamas off one leg. He was holding his hands in the air, as I got closer I could see they were covered in poop. I asked him where he put his diaper and he took me to the corner and showed me where he stashed it. I took him into the bathroom to clean him up but realized he probably hadn't finished pooping, so I stuck him on the toilet. After a little pushing, he pooped in the toilet for the first time. I was super excited, but because of the lead up I thought it was more of an accident then anything.

Yesterday I was sitting in the living room and I heard Moses yelling my name. As I started walking through the house I found him in the bathroom with his pants down. He was pointing to the potty and wanted up. I lifted him on to the toilet and a couple seconds later he pooped in the potty! We celebrated by giving him a chocolate chip cookie.

The little bugger is so smart. This morning I found him on the potty. After sitting there for awhile, and not going potty, he got up and said, "Cookie." We explained to him that he only got at treat if he went pee or poop on the potty, so hopefully he will continue to do so with some work.

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