Monday, March 21, 2011

Beautiful Baby Girl

My baby girl is 10 months old today! She must have realized that she was growing up because she started crawling earlier this week :) The crazy thing is that at ten months old Moses was walking. I love how different they are though and am thankful for how each one of them was created. I love watching how they interact and enjoy seeing them be affectionate towards each other. I pray that it will continue to grow and develop as they get older and that they remain close.

Here is a picture of Moses and Emery playing

Before I was pregnant with Emery I said that I wanted boys and only boys. I am so glad that I have Emery though and absolutely LOVE my baby girl. She is the sweetest little girl and boy does she have some sass in her. She tells Moses about it he takes something from her. One of the things that I have been looking forward to his her hair being long enough that I could do something with it. This week I was able to put a ponytail in her hair and pigtails. I didn't think she could be any cuter but I was wrong.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Front Porch Looking In

So often I get caught up in the small, insignificant things of this life and lose sight of what is really important to me. I am really working hard at taking in moments and looking at the blessings in my life and cultivating a thankful heart. Some of those moments the past couple of weeks include the following:

#1- Moses said his first full sentence. Jarrell was eating some M&M's and Moses said, "May I please have this?" I seriously couldn't believe it. We have been working on complete sentences with him for a long time and I couldn't be more proud! He also called his "Gamma" and counted to ten for her (with a little coaching).

#2-We took a hike Friday morning as a family and it was absolutely beautiful!

#3-We were able to see how a struggle of our own resulted in a formative, transformational experience in the life of a family that we met during that time of struggle.

#4-Jarrell and I attended the wedding of our friends and it was absolutely gorgeous! The whole wedding was in Spanish, so we didn't really understand much, but we were so happy to be a part of their special day.

#5-We went to Disneyland and Moses was super excited on the tram ride. He kept saying, "Mickey, YAY!" and would start clapping. Soon he had the whole cart of people saying "Yay" and clapping everytime he said Mickey! Emery had such a fun time especially on the Flying Dumbo ride.

#6-Emery's personality is starting to come through more and
more. She is such a happy little person and loves to laugh. She is scooting right along and is so close to crawling. It is amazing to watch her development compared to Moses'. They are two very different individuals.