Sunday, January 8, 2012

Highs and Lows 2.0

I hope that you all had a wonderful week. Mine was busy but full of special moments with my friends and family. Here are the the highlights of my week:

#1- My Husband. I absolutely adore my husband Jarrell, he is wonderful. This week I was extremely thankful for him because he is a very hard worker, an amazing father, and a very Godly man. I definitely think I got the better deal in our marriage. We have our ups and downs just like everyone else, but I wouldn't want to be doing life with anyone else.

#2-The Weather. It has been absolutely gorgeous this week and I took advantage of it by going on a long, peaceful walk. It was a wonderful time of reflection and renewal.

#3- My Job. Many of you have heard about my job before. I have always loved it, but this past week I had a renewed sense of appreciation and purpose. It has become extremely clear as to why God has me here and I feel humbled that he would use me in such a great way.

#4- Moses. I love both of my children so much, but I had some really special moments with Moses this week. He is at such a fun age and is full of life. He really teaches me to look for the small joys of life. After Emery went to sleep one night we were sitting on the couch cuddling and he fell asleep in my arms (he hasn't done this since he was a baby) As I held him, I couldn't help but think about the entirety of his little life. I was in tears because I am so thankful for him and all the joy that he has brought to me.

My low for the week was that I had a riciculously bad migraine on Thursday that put me out of commission almost the entire day, but I bounced back quickly. It was a good reminder to manage my stress better.

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