Monday, January 9, 2012

Carpe Diem

Days off of work are my absolute favorite. I love unscheduled days. They seem to carry a sense of endless possibilities with them. These are the days that I get to take my babies on adventures, cuddle them more, cook with them, and devote all my energy to them (and Jarrell). Today was one of those perfect days. 

At the risk of sounding like an irresponsible parent, I totally forgot to schedule Emery's 15 month and 18 month checkups. To my defense, the kids' pediatrician is weird about scheduling out appointments too far in advance and they don't send reminders, they expect you to remember to schedule them. Crazy right?! Anyway, today was the day for Emery's 15/18 month checkup combined (at 19 months). She is developing wonderfully and the pediatrician said, "There is nothing bad to say about this girl." He also affirmed our parenting, which is always a blessing. The funniest part of the appointment was seeing how much Emery weighs. She is now only 2 pounds less then Moses! Emery had to get several shots so we stopped at Target on our way home to pick up some pain reliever. 

Emery at Elmo's Bay of Play at SeaWorld on Christmas Day.

I am constantly looking for good deals and it annoys Jarrell because I always have to check the sales racks. (even if I looked at them the previous day) I scored some pretty awesome things though. The biggest deal was a insert for potty training that was Sesame Street themed at 50% off. Since Emery is obsessed with Elmo right now, I was hoping we could use this to springboard into potty training. I think it kind of worked. She hasn't used the potty yet, but she keeps saying, "Elmo pee." She has spent a lot of time on there today and really likes to put toilet paper into the toilet. We never really pushed Moses or used a method for potty training, so I think that is what we will do for Emery too. 

After we came home and conquered meal time and naps (anyone with two babies knows this is a huge accomplishment) we had a lot of fun playing outside. We have two outside play cars. One of them is a little coupe that you sit in and push with your feet and the other is basically a car shaped push wagon. Moses would start at one end of the porch and I would start at the other with Emery in the car wagon. We would run towards each other and crash. The kids laughed hysterically each time. It was wonderful! We came inside and had some snacks and I even treated myself to my favorite ice cream. 

Thanks for sharing in my day and I hope that you had a wonderful start to your week. What are some of your favorite activities on your days off?

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