Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby Oh!

Have you ever had a day when one crazy thing after another happened? That was yesterday for our family. We were suppose to go to Disneyland with some of our friends and had plans to pick one of them up along the way. Well our friend got stuck in traffic and it was taking here a while. We were meeting her at a Target parking lot, so I decided to go in and get a few snacks. When I got back into the car I realized that Moses had peed his pants. (This is literally the only time that he has done this since being potty trained) Of course we didn't have a change of clothes so I went back into Target to buy some underwear and pants. While we were waiting, our friends that we were meeting at Disneyland called us and told us it was crazy busy and that they were turning around. The parking structure was full! Of course we decided that we didn't want to go but try telling that to a really excited (almost) three year old. It didn't go over so hot. In fact, he kept bursting into tears. We told him that Disneyland was closed and I even called a fake number and confirmed that they weren't opening for the day. He was not having it though so we literally had to deal with the tears every couple of minutes. Our friends still ended up meeting us and we ate at a restaurant called The Whole Enchilada. It ended up being a great time and we made it up to Moses with Cars 2 and an ice cream cone. He did however ask to go today and I said it was closed again.

Today was a fun and productive day off. When I woke up I found out that my friend Jill had her baby girl. I was so excited for her. I spent most of the morning doing dishes, laundry, and sorting our recycling. The best part about recycling is the money you make. With that money we took ourselves out to dinner and had fun with the babies. We went to Target to do some shopping for baby Presley and I even found a pair of pajamas (fleece bottoms, a long sleeve shirt, and fleece slipper socks) for Moses on sale for  $1.04. It was a steal of a deal. As we were looking at clothes I couldn't believe how little they were. I swear I don't remember Moses or Emery being that small, it seems like forever ago. On the way Moses serenaded us with one of his favorite songs, "Baby" by Justin Beiber. (Don't judge me...I am not sure where he heard this song, but he loves it). You can check out his skills in the video below.

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