Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Give Me All My Kisses Back

One of my favorites gifts that I have ever received was from the beautiful family that I nannied for in North Carolina. They put a ton of pictures of the kids, them, the house, trips we took, and the pets in the shape of my name. Surrounding my name were small words of things the kids used to say, characteristics that describe me, or words directly related to my experience working for them. I absolutely adore it and it hangs in our bedroom. I look at it often and it reminds me of the rich experience I had with them and brings back vivid memories. I know that I would not be the person I am today without meeting them. Love you Dunnagan Family!

The reason that I share this is because those phrases that the kids used to say mean so much, but I would never have remembered them if they hadn't been written down. Moses says the craziest things so I have been keeping a running list in my phone from the past couple of weeks. When I get enough of them, I will make a post about them. (I can't wait until Emery starts saying funny things too). So here is the list from the past couple of weeks:
My little jokester laughing at himself. 

Moses was in timeout the other day and I went in to talk to him.
Me: Moses are you sorry for what you did?
Moses: Not yet Mom. Maybe in a little bit.
Me: Okay, I guess I will come back in a little bit.

We were playing the game where you catch fish as they spin and open and close their mouths. 
Moses: Say awwww little fish.

Every night we set a timer before Moses goes to bed and when the timer goes off he knows that it is bed time. So the timer goes off...
Jarrell: Guess what time it is?
Moses: What? I don't hear that timer.

In the car the other day I was telling Moses that I was agitated about something. Later he was telling me a story...
Moses: Mom, I get so magitated when Mimi....

Moses is dancing and pumping his fist in the air
Me: Moses your pumping your fist, have you been watching Jersey Shore?
Moses: No Mom! I am too little. Maybe when I get older.

Moses gave me a kiss. Right afterwards he grabbed my lips and said, "Give me all my kisses back."

That concludes our Moses-isms for now. What are some of the funny things your kids say?

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