Sunday, January 1, 2012

Highs & Lows 1.0

There is a thing that we practiced when I worked at SpringHill called highs and lows. Basically it is what it sounds like, a high of the week and a low of the week. I really think it is important to reflect regularly so that we can develop  grateful spirits but also to really see the things that matter to us. (Trust me, if you do this consistently you will see themes). So with this being said, one of my resolutions goals for the year is to blog more consistently (at least three times a week ) and one of those days will be a recap of my highs for the week and one low. (I definitely want the positive to outweigh the negative).

All though it is technically 2012, these are my final highs for 2011.

#1-Community. We have been so blessed by the people throughout our lives and currently this remains true, we really have the greatest friends ever. People that have literally woven themselves into every page of our lives. People that our kids look up to. People that know us and care for us. People that have changed us into better people. 

#2-Co-Workers. I truly lead the greatest team of people. I learn so much from them and see Christ in them daily. They are real people, with very real circumstances and choose to love Christ despite them. I am incredibly humbled to be allowed into their lives. Seriously.

#3-Coffee. I know this probably sounds superficial compared to the other things that I have said, but it is so true. Coffee has been a huge part of my life for so long. It is comfort to me. It is everything wonderful in this world (only if it is made correctly).

#4-The Happiness Project. So I am in a book club (and have been for a while) but have never read a book. I promise I have good intentions, but little follow through. This will be the first book I read and I am so happy that I did. It is wonderful. It is inspirational. Basically this lady decides to devote a year of her life to becoming happier and creates an action plan to do so. I really like this quote, "More important, I didn't want to reject my life. I wanted to change my life without changing my life, by finding more happiness in my own kitchen." She isn't looking for something extraordinary but looking to make the most of the ordinary moments. I am not very far into it, but as of right now I recommend it. One of my favorite parts so far is the "Secrets of Adulthood" list she created. She basically outlined some practical things that she has learned up to this point in her life. I will be sharing my own soon, so be looking for it. 

It is really hard for me to come up with a low this week, but I will start off the year with one of my biggest lows most weeks...I am quick to anger. I have a hot temper and I hate when it rears it's ugly head. It is almost like I don't even realize it is happening and I say hurtful things. I act irritated. This has happened this week (more like everyday this week).   

What are some of your highs or lows this week?

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