Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The other evening was very interesting to me. I never go out alone anymore simply because I have two children. The other night Jarrell stayed out home with the kids so that I could have some time to myself. I decided to take the book I am reading, Sacred Marriage, my Bible, and my journal and sit at a fountain park bench with some Fro-Yo. (I live such a thrilling life, I know) As I was sitting there, I couldn't help but over hear the family sitting next to me since they were yelling at each other. You could hear the hate in the daughters voice towards her father and you could see the sadness that surrounded him. You could tell the mother was worn out being caught in between the two of them. I couldn't help but wonder what brought them to this point. Since I couldn't concentrate on my reading or journaling due to the noise, I decided to do a little window shopping. Once again, I witnessed another sad situation. A mother was picking up her children from their father and stepmother. They were yelling at each other and cursing and the kids were so embarrassed that they walked away, and their parents didn't even notice. The security guard for the plaza came out and intervened. These things just reminded me what a broken world we live in. I have been doing a study over Phillipians and these verses have really stuck with me:

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;

do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also the interests of others

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,

who although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped." Phillipians 2:3-6

I feel like both of the situations I described above could be prevented if more people lived these verses out. Can you imagine what the world would look like if people took these seriously? Can you imagine how satisfying your relationships would be? Jesus did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped. That is such a powerful concept. The most powerful person to walk this earth never tapped into that power for his own gain, only for that of others. I am not sure about you, but there are many times that if I were Jesus, I would definitely pull out the God card. However, Jesus knew serving others was the higher road. I leave you with this quote, "The path to genuine greatness lies in serving others." -unknown

1 comment:

  1. Oh this was just so great Josie! I feel like crying a little, just thinking about Jesus and His attitude. I SO DESIRE to be like Him. I also feel pumped up. I just want to go serve and encourage others. THANK YOU for posting this. I love you.
