Monday, October 3, 2011

Brother+Sister=Best Friends

Now that Emery is older it is so fun to watch her and Moses interact. For the most part, they are the best of friends {until it involves a toy or snack that the other wants}. Emery absolutely adores Moses and wants to be a part of whatever he is doing, which can be quite entertaining since she isn't as developed as he is. I think Moses realizes the power of being a big other and uses it to his advantage. When something is broke, "Mimi did it." When Moses scales to the top of the pantry to get the good snacks it is always because, "Mimi wanted it." It isn't all bad though because Moses feels like he is responsible for Emery and taking care of her which shows me how much that he loves her.

The other night Emery had fallen asleep in the car but we needed to change her diaper. We laid her on the couch while we taking care of a few things around the house. I sat down for a minute and witnessed the sweetest thing in the world. Moses walked by Emery and looked at her sleeping on the couch. Within a few seconds he had a super concerned look on his face and walked away. He came back with Emery's favorite blanket and covered her up. The amount of love in that small, single moment will warm my heart for a long time. My prayer is those acts of love and concern will transfer out of our home and follow him throughout his life to all types of people.

One thing Moses loves to do is boss people around. We lovingly refer to him as the family policeman. This can be good at times because he really helps teach Emery right from wrong, but other times it can cause problems. Yesterday on the way home from Disneyland Moses and Emery were sharing a bag of pretzels. Every time that Emery wanted another pretzel Moses would say, "Say please Mimi." "Mimi, you are not saying please." "MIMI, you can't have a pretzel until you say please." You could see and hear his frustration growing. We tried explaining to him that Emery still doesn't understand certain things because she is little, but he wasn't having it. He moved on from the please but followed it with Emery not saying, "Thank you."

I am so thankful for my two beautiful kids and the things that I can learn from them and that they can learn from each other. 

Big Brother

Little Sister

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